Products and Services

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Products and Services

Books| Penerbitan, pencetakan hingga penulisan berbagai jenis buku seperti buku-buku ilmiah, sejarah, biografi, profil perusahaan, lembaga pendidikan, organisasi dan lain sebagainya.

Business Proposal| Membuat Proposal Bisnis atau Project Plan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan dalam rangka pengembangan usaha dan promosi. Dalam hal ini juga termasuk Company Profile, Annual Report, Surat Bisnis, dan dokumen – dokumen lainnya.

Copy Editing| Editing naskah seperti makalah, proposal bisnis, visi misi, naskah pidato, jurnal kegiatan, skripsi,  dan produk pers

Copywriting| Pembuatan naskah iklan pada profil perusahaan, profil tokoh, pamflet, brosur, baliho, billboard dan produk sejenis lainnya. Menerima pembuatan copywriting dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia.

Website Content| Pembuatan website bagi perusahaan, organisasi atau perorangan yang dilengkapi dengan naskah atau copywriting. Menggunakan sistem Webmatic yang dirancang secara instan dengan banyak tampilan theme menarik.

Graphic Design| Membuat desain grafis atau lay out semua jenis produk percetakan dengan kualitas desain yang up to date dan profesional.

Mass Media| Membuat dan merancang berbagai jenis produk pers seperti majalah, tabloid, surat kabar, jurnal  dan news letter.


Products and Services

Books| Publishing, printing to writing various types of books such as scientific books, history, biographies, company profiles, educational institutions, organizations and so on.

Business Proposal| Make a Business Proposal or Project Plan to meet the needs of the company in the context of business development and promotion. This also includes Company Profile, Annual Report, Business Letters, and other documents.

Copy Editing| Editing of manuscripts such as papers, business proposals, vision and mission, speeches, activity journals, theses, and press products

Copywriting| Manufacture of advertising scripts on company profiles, character profiles, pamphlets, brochures, billboards, and other similar products. Accepts copywriting in English and Indonesian.

Website Content| Website creation for companies, organizations or individuals equipped with scripts or copywriting. Using the Webmatic system that is designed instantly with many attractive theme displays.

Graphic Design| Make graphic designs or lay out all types of printing products with up to date and professional design quality.

Mass Media| Create and design various types of press products such as magazines, tabloids, newspapers, journals and news letters. ~

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Muhammad Natsir Tahar

1.5 M Followers

Publishing Director: Writerpreneur, Editor in Chief, Public Speaker, Copywriter, IT Supporter, Digital Creator, Columnist, Book Planner, Writer Trainer, etc.

Karina R. Sembiring

1.7 M Followers

General Manager: Certified Public Speaker (CPS) dari Indonesian Professional Speakers Association (IPSA) terakreditasi BNSP.

Demank Marsono Suryatmojo

1.2 M Followers

Digital Creator & Professional Videographer:  Coach Workshop Youtuber, Ketua Youtuber Plat – BP Batam.

Riki Fazrin

1.1 M Followers

Creative Manager: Hard worker, high loyalty, prioritize customer satisfaction, punctual, etc.

Nania Juliananda

1.1 M Followers

Administrative Officer: Diligent, tenacious, adaptable, prioritizes customer satisfaction, punctual, etc.

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